Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Year fun

This year has been great with all the fun adventures and new classmates I have done and met. In TERM ONE I enjoyed meeting all the new people in room 20 also swimming and house competitions and I bet the year sixes were looking forward to the badges. We also got an opportunity to join kapa haka (so fun). In TERM TWO we went to CAMP KAITAWA and learned to work together and know people a little bit more than we already do. We also created our own assembly item to perform to the school. IN TERM THREE we watched the year 2s and 3s do the fun run and we also got an opportunity to run competitive or fun run ourselves. We also got to go Opt Sailing at Pandora Pond. Here we are
in TERM FOUR with safe cycling and rock and roll coming up. What a year we have planned. but still we have allot more like triathlon and year six social. This year has been great.

In 2016 i hope to see all my year six friends like Ella,Jazzy,Ash,Pia,Siena,Maddie and Brooklyn. I also hope to become a house leader,road patroler,digi leader and promotional leader...