Friday, June 10, 2016

My project based learning

My Creature is...
A rabbit
Some things I needed to consider about my creature:
Rabbits need hay and dark spaces to hide in. Rabbits also need to exercise so they don't get lazy.
My enclosure has these special features for my pet:
A fluffy bed that the rabbit can dig into and hide  
In If they are afraid and they don't want to be picked up. I also had a carrot washing line for the rabbit to work for their food and not get given it. The carrot washing line could also avoid getting bored.
What I am pleased about:
Everything worked just how I wanted it to and I finished it in time. But i liked the bed most of all just because of how it looked with the fluffy cotton balls.
What I have found tricky:
Gluing the half ice block sticks to the cardboard (and cutting them in half) because they kept on leaning backwards or forwards And I had to hold them down till the glue was dry.
What I would like to improve:
Having  some more things into my enclosure for my pet to play with and having a bigger area.

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